1) The journal accepts previously unpublished research material on topical scientific problems that fit within the scope of the journal (control theory and system analysis; mathematical modeling and identification; analysis and synthesis of signals and images; information measuring systems; information processing and management systems; artificial intelligence in control systems; automation of technological processes and production). Analytical reviews are accepted only at the request of the Editorial Board.

2) Manuscripts should be written in English. Once a paper is accepted for publication in ICP the author is assumed to have transferred the copyright to Serials Publications. All papers are refereed through a double blind process. Articles for consideration are to be communicated to the managing editor through e-mail: [email protected]

3) Manuscripts are submitted in single-file electronic version created in MS Word 2010 or higher version text editor (file extension DOCX). Portrait layout, size A4 (margins: top 30 mm, bottom 20 mm, left 20 mm, right 20 mm; distance between the top edge of the paper to the header 20 mm, between the bottom edge of the paper and the footer 13 mm), Times New Roman font, left indent 1 cm, single-spacing, style “Normal”. The full size of the manuscript should not exceed 12 numbered pages.

4) Manuscripts should have the following layout: title of paper, authors’ initials and last names – font size 14 pt, name of the institution, abstract (one paragraph, italics), and keywords (no more than 10) – font size 10 pt.

5) The contents of manuscripts (font size 12 pt) consist of the following numbered sections:
1. Introduction (substantiation of the topicality and informal comparison with previous published research work on the topic, including references).
2. Problem statement (clear formulation of the problems to be solved).
3. Methods of solution.
4. Conclusion (brief resume of the obtained results and their possible practical value)

6) Results previously published by the authors themselves or other person should have references that include pages, e.g. [1, p.25; 2, pp.143-144; 3, pp.188,190].

7) Formulas are embedded using the tools of MS Word 2010 (or higher version) text editor. The use of any other formula editors, such as MS Equation, is not allowed. Formulas cited in the text are numbered. The number of a formula is given in brackets and right aligned: (1), (2), etc. Mathematical symbols and indices are written with italic Latin or Greek letters. Abbreviations must be explained. The use of double space is not allowed. You should also differentiate between hyphen and dash.

8) Tables and figures are numbered: at the right top for tables (e.g. Table 1), at the bottom for figures (Fig. 1). Table caption is typed above the table, figure caption under the figure.

9) Manuscript text is completed with References, use font size 10 pt.
Journal references should be arranged as given below:
[1] V. Kokilashvili, S. Samko. Singular Integrals in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces with variable exponent. Georgian Math. J., 10(1): 145-156, 2003.
Book references should be given as follows:
[2] I.I. Danilyuk. Nonregular boundary value problems on a plane. M.: Nauka, 1975, Russian.

Example of article:

10) Manuscripts must be accompanied by a letter containing information about the authors (name, academic degree, job, position, phone numbers and e-mail address).

The Editorial Board does not consider manuscripts that fail to comply with any of the clauses of these Guidelines.
The Editorial Board does not provide their reasons for rejection of manuscripts.

Manuscripts are to be submitted to the Editorial Office of the journal by e-mail [email protected]
Tel.: (+994 12) 510 26 35; WhatsApp: +994554470109
Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Copyright © 1997-. e-Mail: [email protected]