2016 VOLUME XXXVI - No. 3CONTENTS:THEORY OF CONTROLK.R. Aida-zade, S.G. Talıbov, V.А. Hashimov.Optimization and control of placements of point dampers on the plateE.A. Garayeva, K.B. Mansimov.Suffisient optimality condition for the one discrete control problemV.M. Abdullayev, S.G. Talıbov.Numerical solution of inverse problems for loaded dynamic systemsY.R. Ashrafova.Optimal control by evolution processes without any accurate information about initial conditionsA.Y. Jabbarova.On Krotovs type sufficient optimality condition in Roesser type hybrid systemsMODELING AND IDENTIFICATIONK.Sh. Mammadov, N.N. Mammadov.The concept of guaranteed solution and guaranteed suboptimal solution relative to the target function in the problem about the satchel and its constructionP.S. Jafarov, E.R. Zeynalov, A.M. Mustafayeva, S.M. Jafarov.Analytical synthesis of the robust regulator with fuzzy T-S model for object control – OD mobile robot with irregular movementR.T. Aliyev.Asymptotic expansions for the first four moments of the Sparre Andersen ınsurance risk processR.I. Davudova.Evolutionary calculations in the cluster analysis problemsF.R. Nuriyeva.Heuristic grid algorithm for traveling salesman problemA.T. Iskenderova.Diagnosis of hydrate formation in the plume of gas gathering on scalar state variableINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMST.A. Aliyev, G.A. Guluyev, As.H. Rzayev, Y.G. Aliyev, M.H. Rezvan.Energy saving variable frequency convertersE.G. Shahbazov.Elaboration and development prospective of principles of nanotechnological processes in oil industryR.R. Rzayev, E.T. Aliyev.Evaluation of balanced costs in the framework of FAO UN projects by using fuzzy inferences systemG.G. Abdullayeva, I.A. Ismayilov.The constructıon of the battery of expert systems for the defınıtıon of etımologıes of etnonyms (on the example of oghuz ethnonyms)U.E. Sattarova, U.N. Gozali.Writing mobile application for smartphones using with Java programming language